Vol. 12 No. 23 (2020): Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 23

Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 23

Complex times require proposals for analysis that respond to these realities, promote dialogue and invite proposals to be generated. In this sense, the journal Con-Sciencias Sociales Nº 23 allows us to move from the analysis of the uselessness of Aristotelian logic, added to a constant theme on well-being and health, either in the face of the need to achieve food sovereignty as a wellness; as well as reflect on the challenges of education and communication in relation to the pandemic; either as an educational adaptation of a structural approach, as well as the re-adaptation in direct experiences in the South of TIPNIS. Without ignoring that before the pandemic, university stress levels condition the well-being and health of students.

Published: 2020-12-04