Education, a determining factor of income level and quality of life in Bolivia




Education, Poverty, Opportunities, Income


In the research, education was considered to be the base to get out of poverty and improve people’s quality of life, but considering access to equitable and quality education. To do this, the study set two objectives: At first, to determine the degree of correlation between income level of the people and the schooling and, in a second phase, to measure the influence of schooling years and the educational level in the determination of income. The data used correspond to the Bolivian national employment survey. The results highlight that education has a significant correlation with income level. Subsequently, the proportional influence was determined with data, the higher the schooling and the educational level, the higher the income received and through this a better quality of life. Finally, a comparison was made with a model country regarding educational policies, managing to identify the factors that need to be corrected in Bolivia to achieve social equality and generate opportunities for the development of the country and families.


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Author Biography

Alberto José Rivera Choque, Universidad Mayor de San Simon

Bolivian, with a degree in Auditing from Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Universidad Privada Boliviana. Head of Treasury and Collections at U.P.B.


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La educación, factor determinante del nivel de ingresos y calidad de vida en Bolivia.



How to Cite

Rivera Choque, A. J. (2021). Education, a determining factor of income level and quality of life in Bolivia. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 13(25), 54–66.