Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 31
Vol. 16 No. 31 (2024)his issue includes six articles addressing current topics in the field of Social and Human Sciences. The first five contributions are part of the Scientific Research section, and one belongs to the Essays section. An overview reveals that the contributions focus on the socio-educational and political spheres, mediated by concerns about rural youth, school dropout rates, and the socio-affective dimension in the processes of socialization, education, and subjectivation. Regarding the political sphere, the role of Instagram in the process of drafting Chile's new constitution is examined.
Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 30
Vol. 16 No. 30 (2024)his issue features six articles addressing current topics in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The articles are divided into two sections: Scientific Research and Essays.
Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 29
Vol. 15 No. 29 (2023)En este número se abordan cuatro artículos que tratan temas y propuestas dentro el campo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. En conjunto presentan un análisis psicológico, epistemológico metodológico y jurídico sobre fenómenos sociales contemporáneos.
Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 28
Vol. 15 No. 28 (2023)Presentamos el vigésimo octavo número de la revista Con-Sciencias Sociales con artículos que discuten propuestas sobre la jurisprudencia boliviana, el contrato de vesting como pacto parasocial entre accionistas, la formación de representantes políticos en Bolivia, factores asociados al rendimiento académico en Ingeniería Civil, y percepciones juveniles sobre la familia durante la pandemia de Covid-19.
Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 27
Vol. 14 No. 27 (2022)La 27° publicación de la revista Con-Sciencias Sociales nos aproxima a temáticas cercanas y queridas a nuestro contexto cochabambino, así también presenta estudios de temáticas emergentes en la vida cotidiana de las personas y ciudades de nuestro país.
Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 26
Vol. 14 No. 26 (2022)In this issue, the articles revolve around interpretations in different fields of the social sciences, in different times and contexts. The gradual return to normality in the economic field and the adaptation of other sectors to a new normality, traversed by the virtual, semi-face-to-face and the emerging codes in the field of communication and information mean that we have to interact with new and diverse forms of interpretation of reality and everyday life.
Journal Con-ciencias Sociales N. 25
Vol. 13 No. 25 (2021)Presenting 25th edition, the academic journal ConSciencias Sociales includes reflections of different kinds. In the midst of a context of health crisis, the authors have found means and resources to carry out the different studies published in volume. Likewise, efforts inherent to the need to transfer traditional fieldwork practices to a panorama dominated by technology and interpersonal relationships, currently reconstructed based on smart devices, have been involved.
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 24
Vol. 13 No. 24 (2021)In time to present the twenty-fourth issue of the journal Con-Sciencias Sociales, in this context still marked by the health crisis, it seems important to us to reflect on topics as exciting as falling in love, human interactions, dialogical dialogue and as important as social conflicts, sexual violence and the penal system. In this sense, each of the articles compiled in this issue outlines a particular look at aspects related to these and other topics that, although they are diverse in nature, contain a common factor that goes through the use of language and interpretation both in the cultural, legal and interpersonal fields.
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 23
Vol. 12 No. 23 (2020)Complex times require proposals for analysis that respond to these realities, promote dialogue and invite proposals to be generated. In this sense, the journal Con-Sciencias Sociales Nº 23 allows us to move from the analysis of the uselessness of Aristotelian logic, added to a constant theme on well-being and health, either in the face of the need to achieve food sovereignty as a wellness; as well as reflect on the challenges of education and communication in relation to the pandemic; either as an educational adaptation of a structural approach, as well as the re-adaptation in direct experiences in the South of TIPNIS. Without ignoring that before the pandemic, university stress levels condition the well-being and health of students.
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 22
Vol. 12 No. 22 (2020)Number 22 of our journal begins with a look from linguistics that explains the construction and development of the Maropa language, an almost extinct Takana language of the Bolivian Amazon. The gaze is built from the approach to the properties of segmental and suprasegmental phonology, constituting a contribution to the investigation of the structure of the language and an important memory of our cultural diversity.
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 21
Vol. 11 No. 21 (2019)The second half of 2019 is marked by several events of great national and international relevance. Let us mention three important events: the Amazon Ecocide (August / September), the Synod of the Amazon (October 6-27. Rome, Italy) and the National Electoral Fraud (October 20th).
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 20
Vol. 11 No. 20 (2019)This number 20 of the Cons-Ciencias Sociales jorunal represents for the Department of Social and Human Sciences and for the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" (UCB) itself a space that makes visible the contributions of reflection and deepening of issues that originate in the social, cultural and ethical experience of the authors. We hope and hope that each of these studies will illuminate both theoretical concerns and practical expectations.
Journal Con-Sciencias Sociales N. 19
Vol. 10 No. 19 (2018)This number reflects the depth of research on various issues and of social validity that questions the reader fulfilling the purpose of the academy: intellectual production, hopeful that, a dialectical process provoke reactions whose synthesis allows its application in contribution to the construction of a responsible society and from a citizen actor of his destiny, we invite all of you not only to follow us in the next issue but also in as much as possible to publish their research, being our journal available to the entire community.
Journal Cons-ciencias Sociales N. 18
Vol. 10 No. 18 (2018)Based on the challenge of making visible the multidimensional and transdisciplinary quality of social phenomena with views from various research experiences, this issue presents a comprehensive look at various social phenomena studied. The pertinent theoretical and methodological perspectives used constitute a methodologically and theoretically diverse space of interdisciplinary dialogue.
Journal Con-ciencias Sociales N. 17
Vol. 9 No. 17 (2017)This Special Issue of the journal Con-Sciencias Sociales is dedicated to Philosophy. It includes, on the one part, the presentations of the International Symposium "Political / Legal Philosophy-Indian Law" that took place on August 22 and 23, 2016, organized in an interdisciplinary way by the careers of Law, Philosophy and Letters (UCB, regional Cochabamba), Political Sciences (UCB, regional La Paz) and the participation of two international universities. On the other part, it also welcomes other philosophical reflections, after the aforementioned event, such as Epistemology, the Philosophy of Education and Intercultural Philosophy.