The turn towards virtual education


  • Nora Lizarro Guzmán Universidad del Valle



Virtual education, instructional design, connectivity, learning time


Faced with the global health crisis, the face-to-face education system has been discontinued, forcing educational institutions to move towards the virtual modality. Indeed, this work shows the relevance of the instructional design (DI) for the enforcement of virtual education, considering connectivity and learning time in virtual classes. As a result, in the national context, online educational practices are developed for the training of people, there the DI is valued as the process to run virtual courses, since its importance is in offering a well-planned and detailed education. Now, the teacher must be a creative intellectual, creator and applicator (all at the same time); knowing that, at the national level, there are no academic programs on ID. Added to this is the limited coverage and the slow and unstable internet connection. In the virtual contex , learning time is valued according to the effort and dedication of the educational actors, inside and outside the virtual classroom. In short, experts recommend a process of adaptation and redesign of virtual classes, appealing to the interest and positive attitude of each professional so they specialize on how to run a virtual class, being a “designer-teacher”.


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Author Biography

Nora Lizarro Guzmán, Universidad del Valle

De nacionalidad boliviana. Comunicadora Social, Téc. Sup. Diseño Gráfico, Máster en Educación Universitaria. Coordinador de Diseño Instruccional del Depto. Educación Virtual-UNIVALLE.


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El giro hacia la educación virtual



How to Cite

Lizarro Guzmán, N. . . (2020). The turn towards virtual education. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 12(23), 36–45.