Review of the utility critique oftraditional logic. A discussion with the modernphilosophers René Descartes and Francis Bacon


  • Valeria Rodríguez Universidad Católica Boliviana



Aristotelian logic, epistemology, René Descartes, Francis Bacon


The review of modern critique of traditional logic is the answer to a philosophical question: is it or is it not the uselessness of Aristotelian logic to innovate or increase knowledge, supposed by Bacon (in the “Aphorisms” of the Novum Organum ) and by Descartes (in the second part of the Discours de la méthode ), a sufficient reason to discredit this method as the foundation of science? The answer that is argued in this essay is negative. The futility of Aristotelian logic to innovate or increase knowledge, supposed by Bacon and Descartes, is not a sufficient reason to discredit this method as the foundation of science, because its useful link with it is not reduced to innovative progress.


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Author Biography

Valeria Rodríguez, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Bolivian. He is president of the Association of Student Scientific Societies of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" (ASCEUCB) and of the Student Scientific Society of Philosophy and Letters "Franz Tamayo" (SOCIEFRAT). She is currently studying Philosophy and Letters at UCB.


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Crítica a la crítica utilitaria a la lógica tradicional. una discusión con los filósofos modernos René Descartes y Francis Bacon



How to Cite

Rodríguez, V. . (2020). Review of the utility critique oftraditional logic. A discussion with the modernphilosophers René Descartes and Francis Bacon. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 12(23), 20–25.