The process of overcoming the psychological trauma of victims of sexual violence throughout the penal process


  • Isabel Rocabado Rojas Universidad Católica Boliviana



psychological trauma,, sexual violence


The research joined the psychology as a field with the law on a subject and with a population that experiences it daily (and merits it) since facing sexual violence, health and the law are two linked paths, which converge; there is no health outside the law for any person who is a victim of violence. The general objective was to describe the process of overcoming the psychological trauma in the victims of sexual violence who attend FUBE, considering the emotions and feelings that arise throughout the penal process until the management 2020. The methodological approach was qualitative, the exploratory level, the technique: the interview in its semi-structured form. The population was made up of girls and teenagers as primary victims, family members as secondary victims, and FUBE’s specialized staff as social victims of sexual violence.


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Author Biography

Isabel Rocabado Rojas, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, Licenciada en Psicología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” y Licenciada en Derecho de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. Actualmente trabaja en la Fundación Una Brisa de Esperanza. 


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El proceso de superación del trauma psicológico de víctimas de violencia sexual a lo largo del proceso penal



How to Cite

Rocabado Rojas, I. . (2021). The process of overcoming the psychological trauma of victims of sexual violence throughout the penal process. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 13(24), 39–47.