Veiled phaedra. Infatuation as a disease Ineuripides’ Hippolytus


  • Valeria Rodríguez Universidad Católica Boliviana



love delirium, πάθος, Euripides, Hippolytus


Is infatuation suffered as a disease, according to the Euripidian representation? The answer at this essay is yes. Infatuation is suffered as a disease, mental and physical, of a destructive nature: the result of the internal and external struggle of powers. It was sought to unveil the πάθος, to suffer, from the love represented in Euripides’ Hippolytus and, particularly, in a fragment of it: the κῶμος, song, between Phaedra and Nurse. To achieve this goal, the operation of suffering from love delirium and the elements that are faced were exposed: the extrinsic powers (Artemis and Aphrodite) and intrinsic ones (reason and passion).


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Author Biography

Valeria Rodríguez, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Born in Cochabamba in 1999. Having a Philosophy and letters degree obtained with excellence at Universidad Católica Boliviana” San Pablo” (UCB). She has lectured more than a dozen times at UCB and other institutions. She has published in trade magazines and books. In 2020 she won the first prize in the essay contest organized by the delegation of the European Union in Bolivia. She is currently a thesis tutor at UCB, president of the Bolivian Philosophy Association and columnist in the cultural supplement La Ramona of Opinion newspaper.


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Fedra velada. El enamoramiento como enfermedad en el Hipólito de Eurípides



How to Cite

Rodríguez, V. . (2021). Veiled phaedra. Infatuation as a disease Ineuripides’ Hippolytus. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 13(24), 6–12.