The importance of structured group process in an international cultural immersion experience


  • Keith Martin Davis Radford University
  • Melia Ann Snyder Open Sky Wilderness Therapy
  • Juan Carlos Anaya Valverde Appalachian State University
  • Véronique Magali Thomas Universidad Católica Boliviana



Process, structured Group, cultural Immersion, group cohesion, counseling, conflict management


International cultural immersion experiences for counseling students offer unique opportunities to not only experience the wonders of another culture, but to share them with an intentionally formed group. The success of such an experience is often predicated on the development of group cohesion throughout the process. This manus- cript describes the formulation of a group for a short-term study abroad experience including the stages of group development and the importan- ce of a structured group process throughout the short-term study abroad experience. The authors discuss implications for counseling and counselor education.


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Author Biographies

Keith Martin Davis, Radford University

Keith Martin Davis, norteamericano, Doctor en Consejería, Educación y Familia, miembro del Consejo Nacional y Consejería (NCC) de EE.UU., docente investigador en Radford University, Virginia.

Melia Ann Snyder, Open Sky Wilderness Therapy

Melia Ann Snyder, norteamericana, Doctora en Consejería, miembro del Consejo Nacional y Consejería (NCC) de EE.UU., Terapeuta clínica y Directora educativa en Open Sky Wilderness Therapy, Durango, Colorado.

Juan Carlos Anaya Valverde, Appalachian State University

Juan Carlos Anaya V., franco-boliviano, Consejero independiente, terapeuta, Consultor para el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano y Consejería Psicológica de Appalachian State University (2000-2010).

Véronique Magali Thomas , Universidad Católica Boliviana

Véronique Magali Thomas, francesa, Magister en Lenguas Literaturas y Civilizaciones Extranjeras de la Universidad Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand (Francia), Lingüista, Directora del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas y Responsable de la Unidad de Idiomas de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” Cochabamba, Bolivia.


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La importancia del proceso de grupo estructurado en una experiencia de inmersión cultural internacional



How to Cite

Martin Davis, K. ., Snyder, M. A., Anaya Valverde, J. C. ., & Thomas , V. M. . (2019). The importance of structured group process in an international cultural immersion experience. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 11(20), 15–23.