Beyond likes and selfies: finding emotional support in an area of unlimited connections


  • Andrea Alejandra Vargas Calle Universidad Católica Boliviana



Emotional support, virtual community, internet


This article is the result of theoretical thought on changes and advances related to two topics: the impact of social support during physical / emotional suffering, and the source of this “social support”: online and offline life. Emotional support is a type of social support which, in strict terms, alludes to a professional procedure. However, it is also related to consolation and company found in a bond or significant social encounter for the person who needs it. Nowadays, the Internet and life online enables greater frequency in our interactions, which can become key elements for offering consolation within Virtual Groups or Communities which specialize in physical or emotional suffering.


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Author Biography

Andrea Alejandra Vargas Calle, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, licenciada en psicología por la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, maestría en Psicopedagogía Clínica por la Universidad de León (España), docente tiempo completo de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” - Regional Cochabamba.


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Más allá de los likes y los selfies: encontrando contención emocional en un espacio de conexiones ilimitadas



How to Cite

Vargas Calle, A. A. . (2019). Beyond likes and selfies: finding emotional support in an area of unlimited connections. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 11(20), 8–14.

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