Youth perceptions about the family in times of COVID-19




Family, young people, Christian values, family relationships, Covid-19


The central theme of this work is the youth perception of the family during Covid-19, aiming to reflect what young people think about family in terms of its composition, relationships, and promotion of values. It also seeks to identify the relationship between family religion and the values and preparation of its youth. Furthermore, the imaginary of the Christian family was identified based on the influences of micro-macro contexts.

To carry out this study, a qualitative scientific method was employed, which allowed for the identification of three levels of analysis: the definition of family according to young people, the reasons behind family characteristics, and the perception that young people have of their family environment. A series of interviews were conducted using a guide with 33 students from different educational institutions in the administrative area of Cercado 1 in the city of Cochabamba, during the months of October and November 2020, in a virtual format.

The results show that young people have a perception of family centered around values. They recognize relationships of consanguinity and affinity based on family closeness and distance, and they identify the characteristics of a Christian family. They also acknowledge that the family is the place where they learn to internalize values that serve as the foundation for future family roles.

This document is considered pioneering in the research field of society and family from a youth perspective, and it is expected to contribute to future investigations on this topic.


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Author Biographies

Nancy Magali Vaca Aramayo, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, magister en Educación Superior, docente de la Carrera Antropología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, sede Cochabamba (Cochabamba. Bolivia).

María Asunta Morón Pereyra, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Boliviana, magister en Educación virtual, docente de la Carrera Antropología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, sede Cochabamba (Cochabamba. Bolivia).

Bruno Octavio Sánchez Omonte, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Boliviano, Licenciado en Antropología, docente de la Carrera Antropología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, sede Cochabamba (Cochabamba. Bolivia).

Teófilo Laime Ajacopa, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Boliviano, Dr. en Lingüística, estudiante de la Carrera Antropología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, sede Cochabamba (Cochabamba. Bolivia).

Elena Peña Lillo Llano, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Boliviana, estudiante de la Carrera Antropología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”,sede Cochabamba (Cochabamba. Bolivia). ORCID


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Percepciones juveniles sobre la familia en tiempos de COVID-19



How to Cite

Vaca Aramayo, N. M., Morón Pereyra, M. A., Sánchez Omonte, B. O., Ajacopa, T. L., & Lillo Llano, E. P. (2023). Youth perceptions about the family in times of COVID-19. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 15(28), 23–33.



Sección de Investigación científica