Factors associated with the academic performance of the Civil Engineering Department, at Universidad Católica "San Pablo", Tarija Campus





Academic performance, factors, higher education, non-parametric statistics


The present investigation, part of the need to identify factors that intervene in the low academic performance in the first years of the Civil Engineering career of the U.C.B. “San Pablo” Tarija Headquarters. The relationship between the different indicators of academic performance and a set of factors was studied, in order to contribute to the acquisition and deepening of knowledge, in terms of academic quality. For the sample of students, those enrolled by semester were analyzed. Regarding the teachers, those in charge of the subjects were studied in each semester, all the administrative staff were also analyzed.

It is a quantitative correlational study; A non-parametric statistical analysis of the information was made. The instruments that were used were questionnaires, the four dimensions of interest were measured: institutional, pedagogical, psychosocial and sociodemographic factors based on the average grade of the students.

In the study it was found that the factors that influence the academic performance of students from the first to the fourth semester are: the pedagogical, sociodemographic factor and a relationship of the psychosocial factor. It is recommended that the higher education institution expand the research based on the results obtained, in order to establish clear policies that help improve the academic performance of students.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Gabriela Subelza-Flores, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, licenciada en Ingenieria civil, obtuvo el grado de maestría en educación superior en la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” Sede Tarija (Tarija. Bolivia), actualmente realiza proyectos privados de construcción e imparte cursos de capacitación para universitarios e ingenieros civiles en GERALTEC SRL.

Oscar David Velasco Pereira, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Bolivian, has a degree in Civil Theology, and Philosophy and Letters from Universidad Católica Boliviana , with a master's degree from the Virtual University of Barcelona - Ministry of Education and AECI. He is currently the Academic Coordinator of the Sedes Sapientiae Foundation , in addition to teaching various postgraduate programs at Universidad Mayor de San Simón, and Universidad Católica Boliviana, Cochabamba and Tarija headquarters. Adjunct researcher at the Research Center of the Social Sciences’ department at UCB Cochabamba Headquarters.


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Factors associated with the academic performance of the Civil Engineering Department, at Universidad Católica Boliviana, Tarija campus



How to Cite

Subelza-Flores, N. G., & Velasco Pereira, O. D. (2023). Factors associated with the academic performance of the Civil Engineering Department, at Universidad Católica "San Pablo", Tarija Campus. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 15(28), 6–22. https://doi.org/10.35319/consciencias.20232889



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