The adaptability of the vesting contract as a shareholders’ agreement in Bolivian commercial civil law




Vesting, contrato, pact, civil, period, shareholders


The vesting contract is an atypical and unnamed contract that has its origin in Silcon Valley. Shareholders subscribe to this type of contract with the aim of generating security within the company and encouraging their participation, through rewards through shares or stock options. This legal figure can be adapted to Bolivian regulations through the correct use of existing regulatory provisions, adapting it to both the contractual situation and the corporate situation, its existence depending on a parasocial agreement prior to the creation of the company, which must be expressly recognized in the statute of the same.

This contractual modality, achieves its objective through conditional clauses divided into periods that depend on pre-established objectives, goals and/or temporary units, which must be achieved by the parties for their perfection and that the subscribing shareholders acquire the consolidation of the shares that are under his property.


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Author Biography

Erick Fuentes Quiroga, Universidad Catolica Boliviana

Law Student Intern at Abrego León Servicios Legales


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La adaptabilidad del contrato de vesting como pacto parasocial entre accionistas en la normativa civil comercial Boliviana



How to Cite

Fuentes Quiroga, E. (2023). The adaptability of the vesting contract as a shareholders’ agreement in Bolivian commercial civil law. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 15(28), 48–59.