A jurisprudential analysis in relation to the operationalization of the paradigm of living well from the guidelines of intercultural interpretation of rights





paradigm of live well, jurisprudence, intercultural, constitution, Indigenous villages, multinationalh


The present scientific article analyzed the operationalization of the paradigm of living well in Bolivian jurisprudence, the objective of the investigation is to demonstrate and verify that the Plurinational Constitutional Court is not being able to understand and deepen the paradigm of living well or from the guidelines of intercultural interpretation of rights.

Therefore, as a research methodology, it corresponds to a process of analytical, hermeneutical, legal and descriptive dog- matic conception, for which this methodology will help to visualize if the magistrates of the constitutional court are being able to deepen and advance with the paradigm of living well. Local and comparative jurisprudence was used, bibliographic documents were reviewed, qualitative research was carried out for the collection of corresponding data through structured interviews from their sketches to the interviewees, in which they shared their knowledge and reflections on the operation of the paradigm of living. well in the constitutional sphere. It was possible to verify in the analysis of the results of the structured interviews that the paradigm of living well has not been fully understood and deepened by the Plurinational Constitutional Court, and that there is also a weak understanding of the norms and procedures of the indigenous jurisdiction native peasant.


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Author Biography

Josias Armando Moreira Cordova, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviano, Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” (Cochabamba. Bolivia)


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Un análisis jurisprudencial con relación a la operativización del paradigma del vivir bien desde las pautas de interpretación intercultural de derechos



How to Cite

Moreira Cordova, J. A. (2023). A jurisprudential analysis in relation to the operationalization of the paradigm of living well from the guidelines of intercultural interpretation of rights. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 15(28), 34–47. https://doi.org/10.35319/consciencias.20232873