Emotional experience in relating with others: Adolescence and attachment styles


  • Andrea Vargas Universidad Católica Boliviana




Relational behavior, attachment styles, adolescent transition, narrative analysis


This article synthesizes a qualitative study on the connection between styles of attachment (established from early relationship experiences with attachment figures) and the adolescent stage which makes them more evident. A case study was used with a methodological combination of clinical-phenomenological and narrative approach with the model of four styles of attachment proposed by Bartholomew and Horowitz (1991), in narrative analyses of life stories, in-depth interviews, and answers to the Object Relations Test (Phillipson, 2005). It was possible to identify characteristics of attachment styles, as well as fear and ideals within the current relationship behavior the young subjects, and the different ways of expression of the bonds between attachment styles and the relationships which are established with others during adolescence.


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Author Biography

Andrea Vargas, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, licenciada en psicología por la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, maestría en Psicopedagogía Clínica por la Universidad de León (España), docente tiempo completo de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” - Regional Cochabamba.


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La experiencia emocional de relacionarnos con otros:  Adolescencia y estilos de apego



How to Cite

Vargas, A. (2018). Emotional experience in relating with others: Adolescence and attachment styles. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 10(18), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.35319/consciencias.20181851