State and Civil Society as Counterbalance in Human Rights Protection and Defense within the Inter-American System of Human Rights


  • Celeste Quiroga Universidad Católica Boliviana



Human Rights, Inter-American System, civil action, advocates for Human Right, advocates for Human Rights


Human Rights have progressed from being ideals of humanity to clear rules of international rights which States have recognized when taking on legal obligations with people (subjects of rights). In this sense, at a universal and regional level, it was possible to rely on international mechanisms in order to achieve follow-up of State responsibilities. In the case of the Inter-American System of Human Rights it was possible to count on the establishing of an international court with contentious jurisdiction capable of determining not only the responsibility of States which violate Human Rights, but also determining the way in which amends must be made. Although there is an evident disproportion between the power of the State and civil society, all achieved progress within the Inter-American Human Rights System has been due in great part to political impact of organized civil society which has appropriated this area for demanding rights, guiding important headway in the region. Its protection is also responsibility of these States. The actions of those who defend Human Rights resounds within the Inter-American System and therefore in the State obligations.


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Author Biography

Celeste Quiroga, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Docente de la asignatura de Derechos Humanos en la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Católica Boliviana. Licenciada en Derecho, con especialidad en estudios Internacionales de Paz, conflictos y desarrollo.


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Estado y sociedad civil contrapeso en la protección y defensa de derechos humanos  dentro el Sistema interamericano de derechos humanos



How to Cite

Quiroga, C. (2018). State and Civil Society as Counterbalance in Human Rights Protection and Defense within the Inter-American System of Human Rights. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 10(19), 39–49.