The socio-affective relationship of the little Zapatista seed with Mother Earth. Processes of socialization, education and subjectivation
Childhoods, Violence, Resistance, Subjectivity, Indigenous educationAbstract
Understanding the global context in which political violence against the movement occurs has allowed Zapatista mothers, fathers, grandparents and promoters to design a series of political, social, cultural and educational resistance strategies for children, as well as autonomous projects and spaces of re-existence that strengthen resilient and rebellious subjectivities from a very early age, vindicating the indigenous worldview and their socio-affective relationship with Mother Earth. Through collaborative ethnographic work with jungle families, drawings-interviews and participant observation of daily life and children's spaces, we reflect with the children and their caregivers on the war and the rebel-resistance socialized and reconfigured from the first childhood, as well as the intricate web of relationships that goes from the public to the private space, placing emphasis on collective identity and memory.
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