The organ market reality, addressed from an economic, ethical and legal perspective




organ market, moral, ethics, economy, legalization, social welfare


Currently, the shortage of organs has become a major issue which has increased mortality in the population, as well as human trafficking. The attempts to restrain or put an end to the problem have been deficient, therefore it is necessary to sek the solution in other concepts such as the legalized organ market. This study aims to estimate whether the organ market is beneficial for Tarija’s society from 3 perspectives: economic, legal and moral. From these, it was decided to develop an exploratory research with a qualitative approach to achieve the objective of this study. So, the question arises, is the organ market beneficial for Tarija’s society? As for the legal and economic perspective, it can be said that it is. In the first, only popular support would be required to be able to concretize the legalized organ market, since the Constitution does not prohibit it;, and as for the economic perspective, the existence of such a market could save resources to the State and, in general, it could represent a benefit to all market actors. The problem comes from the moral perspective, since the results are not so enlightening and they even generate debate. In spite of everything, the outlook is promising and who knows? Perhaps in the future it will materialize.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Bluske Briancon, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Boliviano. Actualmente, se encuentra realizando estudios superiores en el área de economía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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 La realidad del mercado de órganos abordada desde la economía, la ética y el derecho



How to Cite

Bluske Briancon, I. . (2022). The organ market reality, addressed from an economic, ethical and legal perspective. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 14(26), 56–63.