The notion of justice and the emergence of second- and third-generation rights in the construction of the public sphere




Public sphere, Equality, Justice, Freedom


Throughout history, the notion of “the public” goes hand in hand with the integration of various notions around the concept of justice and the recognition of rights that are guaranteed under the wing of the said space. The aim of the essay is to articulate a critical reflection on the construction of the public and its relationship with the idea of justice and the consequent incidence it has on the structuring and recognition of third-generation fundamental rights. To do this, at first, we will focus on the elaboration of a general reconstruction of the idea of the public, based on the thesis developed by John Dewey. Next, we will analyze the conceptualization of the idea of justice, based on what has been its most prominent formulation in recent decades: that proposed by John Rawls. Finally, we will make evident the complexities around the possibility of constructing the notion of “the public” from a basis of reconciliation of the principles of freedom and equality, expanding the catalog of protected fundamental rights.


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Author Biography

María de Los Andes Valenzuela Corales, Universidad Católica del Maule

Chilean. With a degree in Legal Sciences from the University of Talca. Magister in Religious and Philosophical Sciences from Universidad Católica del Maule. Doctoral student in Philosophy, Religion and Contemporary Thought, in the same university.


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La noción de justicia y la emergencia de derechos de segunda y tercera generación en la construcción de lo público



How to Cite

Valenzuela Corales, M. de L. A. . (2021). The notion of justice and the emergence of second- and third-generation rights in the construction of the public sphere. Revista Con-Sciencias Sociales, 13(25), 17–25.